Tuesday, December 4, 2018

How to Take Rooibos to Lose Weight

Rooibos is a natural tea that comes from a tree in South Africa and its benefits are similar to those of red tea with the difference that this ingredient contains no contraindications or side effects. In addition to its many health benefits, rooibos is also great at helping us lose weight. In this oneHOWTO article we tell you how to take rooibos to lose weight and benefit from its cleansing properties that will help you lose those extra kilos.

Slimming properties of rooibos

Rooibos, although it is known as "Red Bush Tea" is not actually a tea but an infusion because it does not contain theine. It comes from South Africa and is one of the most talked about natural ingredients because of its slimming effects. We tell you the properties of rooibos to lose weight so you'll understand why it is ideal if you want to lose weight:
  • it boosts the metabolism of cells and digestion because of its antioxidant properties.
  • It is a natural diuretic thus contributes to the elimination of toxins, cleanses the body and reduces fluid retention and therefore cellulite.
  • Improves digestion: Drinking rooibos helps our digestive system work well and, therefore deflates the belly area.
  • Facilitates intestinal transit thereby preventing the occurrence of constipation, one of the most common causes of weight gain.
To take full advantage of the properties of rooibos it is advisable that you drink it early in the morning on an empty stomach, so it is more effective to combat fluid retention and to facilitate the transit of our intestines.
How to Take Rooibos to Lose Weight

How much rooibos tea shoul I drink per day?

Unlike red tea, rooibos has all the same properties but none of the contraindications so you can drink it at any hour of the day (it contains no theine), you can also drink it after meals (it doesn't hinder the absorption of iron) and it can also be drunk by people with high blood pressure.
To benefit from its slimming properties, it is recommended to drink 3 or 4 cups of rooibos tea daily; it is not advised to over dose as anything taken in excess is not good for health. As already indicated, starting the day with a cup of this tea is a great idea as well as finishing and drinking one just before bedtime.
You can prepare it in different ways, we tell you the most common:
  • Roobios tea: You just need a little water and rooibos to taste (as strong as you like). Boil in the ingredient in a pan with a little water and then strain the water so you can drink it without any bits. Put it in the refrigerator to keep their properties and so you can drink several cups throughout the day.
  • Macerated Rooibos: If you want a little more refreshing drink, make this recipe. Put roobios in a jug of water, add some stevia or sweetener and put it in the fridge. The next morning, remove the leaves and it is ready for you to drink this fresh, sweet and delicious drink.
Do you drink rooibos tea with milk? This is a very common question when it comes to using this type of herb for weight loss. For perfect effectiveness, it is not advised to take it with milk due to the amount of fats it contains. Moreover, adding vegetable milk such as almond or rice milk to your rooibos tea will not be effective either due to the amount of sugar found in these types of milk.
How to Take Rooibos to Lose Weight

General properties of rooibos

In addition to its benefits for weight loss, rooibos is a plant that has other uses for health because it contains a lot of optimal nutrients for our body.
  • Natural antihistamine: Rooibos is perfect for treating infections or allergies.
  • Improves intestinal problems: Regulates bowel function helping digestion of food and the intestine transit.
  • Good to treat oral diseases: Has a high content of calcium and fluoride, so it is an ideal ingredient for improving gums, teeth or ulcers.
  • Fight Ageing has high antioxidants content which helps slow the ageing of cells in our body.
How to Take Rooibos to Lose Weight

Teas for weight loss

Rooibos is a good ally to help us lose weight, however, there are also other teas which are suitable for the same purpose as, for example, green tea which is one of the most popular because it helps speed up metabolism and burn fat naturally.

Rooibos vs green tea for weight loss

If you want to use rooibos tea to lose weight, you may want to compare it to another of the popular tea choices. The truth is that the main difference between both is that rooibos is herbal and does thus not contain theine. On the other hand, rooibos tea has many other properties that are useful to lose weight such as antioxidants, manganese and magnesium. The best type of rooibos tea to drink if you want to benefit from it for weight loss as much as green tea is in fact unfermented rooibos, which has as much antioxidants as green tea. This is why there is hardly any difference between the two, so you can combine both for weight loss or choose the option that you prefer.

How to Take Rooibos to Lose Weight

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